Web App
Google Payments. The platform serves as the backbone for all Google products where money flows into or out of Google.
AdWords represents the largest product where money flows in while AdSense represents the largest product where money flows out. All other Google products on the payments platform utilize the same architecture. The way users interacted with their financial information when paying Google with products like AdWords or being paid by Google with products like AdSense was not consistent. The result was user confusion, customer support calls and inefficiency for the development team.
Individuals and businesses are both users of Google products. These users either pay for the products themselves or credit is extended to them. Regardless, they use one or more of the Google products and need to manage their financial information across those products.
I interviewed stakeholders across the payments organization. After synthesizing the results, I reported findings back to the group. I also diagrammed the architecture to highlight issues and propose changes. Once I had agreement from primary stakeholders, I sold the strategy across the organization. I then implemented the changes over time while testing with users to iterate. I also incrementally built better ways to document and communicate design.
I standardized the structure of all payments pages on the platform so that users would see the same structure for their information regardless if they were paying Google with a product like AdWords or being paid by Google with a product like AdSense. I also removed duplicate information and reduced the number of overall screens in both the products and within sign up.